Download the book"My dance was born out of mud"

While working with dancers and actors in the Urals and Baikal, I often heard a question about Butoh. I avoided answering that question and didn't give the exercise. I don't think today's generation of young people is ready for such psychological effort and possible mental changes. Although...

The style of Butoh, which I studied in Prague, in Japan with Kazuo Ohno, implies very deep immersion and not always in the bright side of the world. And now I don't want to do that. I live in happiness, because I have children. But the knowledge and the experience - and maybe the exercises - have to be shared. And Kazuo Ohno and Tatsumi Hijikata are already on another planet.

We're not there yet. So - I'll be doing it. And the new performance of A Well-Tempered Life - will be exactly in the classic Derevo style. The Emptiness - The Man - The Power.

Let's do it this way. One of the best Butoh books has been never translated into Russian. A friend of mine translated it. There are only eleven chapters in all. This is the first chapter of Michael Harter's 1984 book. The second chapter - "My dance was born out of mud" (about Tatsumi Hijikata) turned my life upside down. But now - step by step. Print it out and read it. Maybe it touches you. Then - we can work. But it won't be easy.

To download -:



Here we go! In one week on the 30th of August I will start working on Olkhon Island at the RadiSveta festival. As a performer, as a musician, as a director and also as a curator (I'm scared, because I have to talk a lot). This is my second encounter with students this year in the nature . It is very productive, actually. Without any disturbances, civilization, information flow... Perhaps these ideas of the Forest Academies have a great future. We will see. And let's not forget that there are now many teachers. Less students. Real students.


"Time of Day. Interview" St Petersburg TV channel.
Guest - A. Adasinsky // "I say thank you for everything".

These days on Olkhon Island the festival of contemporary theatre, film and dance RADI SVETA: BAIKAL is coming to an end. Anton Adasinsky, actor, director, choreographer and musician, founder and head of DEREVO theatre, is curator of this year's theatre residency. Before leaving for Irkutsk region, Tatiana Elkina met with Anton Adasinsky and talked to him about DEREVO theatre, the difference between an actor and a performer, the culture virus, the lost generation of teenagers, Mandelstam and Alexander Sokurov's film Faust.

Translated with (free version)



Interview by Anton Adasinsky "Why life is good in Russia now" with host Tatyana Trojanskaya for the Echo of Petersburg
programme Magic Mountain


"40 Years of the Leningrad Rock Club"

It always seemed to me that Russian rock'n'roll is very cheerful in the dressing rooms, but very sad on stage. But at the anniversary party yesterday - "40 Years of the Leningrad Rock Club" - it was not like that! The joy was standing and lying and running all over Tinkoff Arena. Even the "strict" AVIA band were joking loud and hard this time! And we were all very happy to be alive and well and really know how to play ROCK!


««V. Mayakovsky»/"Laconic" А. Shein

In A. Shein's movie «V. Mayakovsky", I played the role of the director - V. Meyerhold. One day I was asked to direct the movie and create a film -performance. And so I did it. Me and the actors from Gogol-Centre devised, acted and filmed a performance "Love and Salo". No one will ever see that play again, and the 'film-in-a-film' was only partially included in the final version of V. Mayakovsky. But the story, I think, was the strongest. Here it is! One day full of life!


Adasinski: "Happiness for all, for free, and let no one walk away offended!"

New edition of Project Memorandum on YouTube! A wonderful long interview with Anton Adasinsky.
Memorandum is a project about the preservation of cultural heritage in its various forms, from theatre and cinema to the social ethics of the 1990s.


Anton's masterclass from 16-25 July in the mountains of the northern Urals

I have the same relationship with nature as she has with me. We are aware of each other's existence. We are friends at a distance. I have always been very wary of performing in nature. Only because the energy of any natural place is musical, positive and perfect, and requires no proof or opposition. I imagine myself surrounded by friendly boars doing some "dance" moves and I know very well that boars behave in a more natural way... Anyway, it's a question for me. Dancing in nature. At the festival @elvesdance in the Northern Urals, among ancient mountains together with students I will try to answer this question. I'm very happy to meet young eyes and feelings of guys who want to perform.

The festival takes place from July 16-25 in the mountains of the Northern Urals. Ekaterinburg


Lenfilm is celebrating Alexander Sokurov's 70th birthday with a major retrospective.

Hell is empty and all the devils are here. (W. Shakespeare)
I can hear it in this rhythm.
Hell is empty. All the devils are here.
The best thing I have ever done in a movie - its a role of Mephistopheles in «Faust».
I'm happy that this film can be seen on the screens again!!!
The work with Sokurov changed my life. I've touched the construction of human perfection. Erudition. Education. An absolute self-control. Humour. A man who represents the profession of filmmaking on the highest level.
Happy birthday, Alexander Nikolaevich! Long life! For to have time to shoot "The Divine Comedy". If you will not take me for the role of Virgil, I'll anyway come to you to serve tea on the film set!


Adasinsky's open short letter to the Gorky Moscow Art Theatre.

Dear M. Gorky Moscow Academic Art Theatre

I, the author and director of the children's musical Gold, am compelled to announce that I am ending my collaboration with the theatre. There will no longer be "Gold" on the stage of the Moscow Art Theatre.

I can't allow myself or Marina Landa's Children's Musical to be in the same newsfeed as the names of pornographic actresses, just as I can't allow the name of the executioner Stalin, in whose torture chambers the lives of five members of my family were mutilated.

I am sure that this obscurantism will come to an end, and that the audience of the Moscow Art Theatre, educated for decades, will return to the hall to see what this theatre was built for.

With respect and hope for better changes soon.

Director of the Derevo Lab

Anton Adasinsky


Anton Adasinsky about the new show, dreams and how it's never too be late

St Petersburg TV channel - Cultural Evolution
"In June, however, we are expecting several meetings with Adasinsky at once. Very soon he will present his mono-performance ROBERT'S TOWN, Robert's Town, at the Skorokhod venue. Those who follow Adasinsky's work closely will remember that the name Robert does not appear in the title of his projects for the first time and it is certainly not a coincidence. But what is it? Who Robert is, why dreams and timely green doors are important will be told by Anton Adasinsky himself. "

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Arthur and David Adasinskiy's!

Dear Arthur and David Adasinskiy! As you might have noticed - last year you were 8 years old and today you are already 9! That's how fast the time flies. And strangely enough - faster and faster. Mum and I are so happy that you are playing football, playing music, acting in films, singing. Performed on stage with me and were even accepted into the great Marina Landa’s Children's Musical Theatre. You appeared in the musical «Gold» on the huge stage of the Moscow Art Theatre! Now there is only kindness and happiness around you. I hope it will last. Remember guys, it's not easy to live in fantasies and miracles. And one day the light accumulated in you will need to be shared with people. And that day is near. Do not be greedy! "What you give is yours!"


GOLD on 1 June at the Gorky Moscow Art Theatre. Gorky Moscow Art Theatre

On 1 June at the Moscow Art Theatre - ZOLOTO, a musical loved by children and adults by director, choreographer and musician Anton Adasinsky.
The play is designed for the modern child, a sophisticated user of the internet and gadgets. The actors speak to children in their language, go down into the auditorium and interact with the audience. The creators of the performance define its genre as a cinema-musical. The production makes extensive use of video art: huge screens widen the stage space and transport the action into a fairytale world. There are also superb costumes, sets and, of course, live music.

The production involves DEREVO Laboratory, the Musical Theatre for Children of Marina Landa and Sergey Vasilyev (composers of music and songs for the cartoon "Smeshariki"), the Children's Theatre Workshop of the Gorky Moscow Art Theatre "The Blue Bird" with the participation of the art-rock band Positive Band.


premiere "Nightmares of Musicians"

Yay! It's happened!
Musicians' Nightmares horror series #3 premieres on YouTube with Husky and Anton Adasinsky
Nightmare 3. Not finding your audience and being an unknown artist forever.
Starring: Husky, Anton Adasinsky
Director: Filipp Yuriev

GOLD on 1 June at the Gorky Moscow Art Theatre. Gorky Moscow Art Theatre

Anton Adasinsky will present his author's shelf on 24 April 2021 at the MHAT. Books' author's shelf, 10 books that have influenced Anton's life.


workshop in St. Petersburg

On 15 and 16 May, Anton will be giving m-classes in St. Petersburg, where for the first time he will address the subject of "Actor and (not "or") Performer.
From an interview with Anton at the Gogol Center
"... The work of not even a genius, but simply a highly professional actor, affects his own biological clock. And the process of aging of the body slows down. The test in this case is the intense emotional experience of the audience and their total lack of sexual attraction to the actor at the moment of the action. In the case of The Performer, it is the opposite. The time becomes a physically tangible celebration. And in this case the test is the 'here and now' feeling and justified excitement..."

Памяти Леонида Борткевича.

"ПЕСНЯРЫ". ВЕРОНИКА. солист Л.Борткевич)
My DEREVO partner Anna Budanova once gave me a number of Leonid Bartkevich. Long time ago as a child I had heard at their concert a fragment of the oratorio "Vanka-Vstan'ka" . It really touched me. And the Pesniary were inside of me forever. And will be. My first group in 6th grade was called Second Breath. The first thing we sang was "Belarus." I kept postponing that call. I wanted to ask for the sheet music to "Vanka-Vstan’ka.»
And now it's too late. Leonid Bartkevich has left this world. The white stork is flying... Listen to their "Veronica". Reach the finale. The end have to be in a major! (ВИА "ПЕСНЯРЫ". ВЕРОНИКА. солист Л.Борткевич)


"Nightmares of Musicians" and "Ivanovo Happiness"

Hey! Everybody - go to the movies! Two times! Watch me!
On April 22 at the Khudozhestvenny Cinema (Moscow) will be the premiere of a film/horror almanac, "the nightmares of musicians" - where I'm an organ-grinder and Hasky is a holy fool). Directed by Filipp Yuryev.
And on the 25th of April, "Ivanovo Happiness" (new title) will be screened at the Dom Kino (Moscow) as part of MMKF.
Directed by Ivan Sosnin.
The main thing is that both movies are GOOD!


Arthur and David premiere at the Gorky Moscow Art Theatre

How glad I am! I'm so glad! We played “Zoloto” at the Moscow Art Theatre! Everything happened wonderfully. After a year's pause, the guys haven't forgotten a single movement or words. They also came up with something new. The performance will live on! Artur and David Adasinskiy were also performing for the first time and after the performance they were ceremoniously accepted into the Сhildrens Musical Theatre of Marina Landa and Sergey Vasiliev.
If I could to perform at the huge stage of the Moscow Art Theatre when I was 8 years old... they will go far!
Thanks to all the young (and not so young) heroes of this event.


Back to the future! It's about Avia. It's so good to sing along with the audience again: Out with all the doubts! Rise and shine! The concert is unexpected and today in Moscow! We're waiting!
"Rumochnaya in Zyuzino.
Moscow, ul. Bolotnikovskaya, 21, p. 3


BUT on February 2nd in Powder (AHE), at 12.00 (Msk) in the framework of "Laboratory Action" there will be (HURAS) a lecture-demonstration by Anton Adasinsky (Derevo Laboratorium)
"The Running Boar" - Seven tools to influence the human psyche in the theatrical space.
"Actor or Performer" - Analysis of misconceptions.
you can join the lecture online
link in Zoom
Conference ID: 875 0942 9696
Access code: 865382


1988. Our first trip abroad! And immediately - the sea, and immediately the island "Terschelling"!
Joop Mulder, the director of the Oerol festival, brought us to the venue. "Where's the stage?" - I asked. Joop pointed to the grass. "And the sound?". He pointed to the birds. Without Yop, there would be no DEREVO's street actions. Maybe there would have been no DEREVO at all. And we had been coming to his festival all these years. And he taught us to feel the tiniest signals of nature, to be with it, to hear it, to talk to it and to laugh. A teacher, a friend, an incredible man... Thank you, Joop. You will never be gone!



Lombard "Phoenix". B. Pushkarskaya, 48. There used to be a sauna there. On New Year's Eve at 2 a.m. gypsies are gathering there. Rich, nicely dressed. They smoke and talk quietly.
I know what they're talking about. Every year you need a new formula for the transformation of the Old into the New.
That's why the Lomard and the Phoenix and the Gypsies. These three words are the answer...
I'm here. The song is already far away. Our inner forces are invisible. And they decide everything.