17th — 22nd Feb 2025
Derevo Art House invites actors, dancers, musicians and other artists from different fields of art to the next Laboratory for intensive 6-day workshop at the Yellow Mill.
Yellow Mill is a laboratory and artistic residence created by the clown Slava Polunin. Here the creative process is more important than the result, not a single experiment can be considered as a failure. It is an adventure where there is no border between everyday life, nature and art.
The daily, 6-hour work will focus on many disciplines that the Derevo system considers as essential basic knowledge for the physical theatre actor.
This time the topic will be quite complex, controversial. The topic ‘Actor or Performer’ will be analysed and discussed.
On the basis of Anton Adasinsky's Derevo system, participants will get acquainted with different schools of acting. They will try to play etudes in Grotowski's, Meyerhold's and Gordon Craig's techniques. The FEX school of acting will also be studied.
The main goal of these practical comparisons is to learn different approaches to the main thing in acting - reincarnation. Reincarnation is not the most accurate translation in this case. Participants will feel and see the difference of schools and understand why DEREVO's actors needed to be skilled in various techniques to perform in different shows.
The difference in the acting in shows like ISLANDS and ONCE was so big that many people thought that different companies were performing.
Therefore, the rather new term ‘Performer’ will also be analysed.
The Lab participants will also be introduced to this style of performance on stage, where we do not consciously move into a new state, but work under our own name and deliberately offer our original ‘’Me‘’ to the audience.
On the last day of the workshop there will be a presentation of the participants' created material for friends and the public, where each participant will perform two versions of the same sketch (which he/she will invent himself/herself): in the ‘Actor’ technique and in the ‘Performer’ technique.
- Participants will also have an opportunity to get introduced to Slava Polunin's huge photo, video and book archive.
The aim of this show is to prove to the participants with the help of Derevo exercises that each of them has a huge energy potential. And it is only a matter of accurately channelling personal power. And, of course, the spearhead of this energy is directed only to creativeness, only to celebration. And this is labour. And you will understand it. And people will see it.
And most importantly: The main task of Derevo Art House is to reveal the individual potential of the participants.